ITF 7 | Real Estate


What do you get when you have a real estate investor, a part-time architect, and a cool mother of 2 kids inside one person? You get Anette Talie – founder of Talie Investments and the host of Real Estate Deal Closers Show Podcast.

Anette Talie only has a simple goal – to obtain financial freedom and to travel the world with her family. Realizing her goals, she started investing in multifamily properties. She bought her first property in cash and she has been growing her business ever since.

Anette will uncover the result of her past bad habit – overspending. Listen as she shares how her “blessing in disguise” found her path to real estate investing and got her to manage 31 units and 198 units with her partners. You might regret missing out to this one!

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How Architect Anette Talie Manages 31 Units And Builds Her Portfolio

Nick, how are you doing?

I’m doing great. How are you doing?

Doing great. Things are going good. I’ve got the inspection resolution passed on my fourth house hack here in Colorado. That thing should be closing. I’m looking to get some work done on it and get it rented out.


Thank you. How about you?

Our pool opened here at the apartment complex. I brought the kids there for the first time, so that was a nice breakaway, getting out of the house and doing something enjoyable with the kids. I do hikes and stuff. My kids would whine the whole time, “My legs are tired.” It’s good. Aside from that, investing is going well. We have the flip in Alabama that’s going smooth. Everything’s going well.

That sounds great news.

We’ve got a cool show with Anette Talie. She’s cool. She bought her first house with cash and kept levering that up and scaled. Within a few years, she’s hit $1 million of net worth and she pretty much started from scratch. She’s looking to grow from there, so it’s exciting to see what she’s got going on.

I love her story. She talks about how her husband had great jobs, but they were overspenders. They jumped into investing, bought their first house cash, and leveraged it. It was a domino effect and it blew up with it. They’re in the million-dollar net worth now. It’s an awesome story. She’s a cool person to talk to.

It’s true, where it all starts. It all starts with saving because when you save more, that difference between what you make and what you spend is larger than you started investing that into passive assets. Which then creates passive income, which then allows you to have a lot more freedom with your life. Saving is the biggest thing. We don’t have to get too deep in her story right now, because she is going to go deep in her story. It’s a great one. Without further ado, let’s get an ad on the show.

Welcome to the show, Anette. How are you doing?

I’m doing excellent. How are you?

I’m doing good.

I’m doing amazing living the life out here in Colorado. I’m excited to chat.

I’ve heard a lot of good things about you, Anette. Nick has only good things to say, so we’re excited to dive into your story. Why don’t you tell us a little bit about yourself and how you got introduced to financial independence?

I was born and raised in Lima, Peru. I came to the United States when I was twenty years old and I went to school. I started architecture school in Peru and transferred here, so I finished my career here, and that’s where I met my husband. A little bit after we got married and everything was awesome and we had lots of money. We have two good jobs and we have extra income. It was all awesome and we spent a lot of money because we were getting a lot of money.

That's how real estate goes. You start learning different techniques as you go. Share on X

When the recession came, everything started going south because we had bought a condo. The condo fees were incredibly high because of the hurricanes and they did a lot of assessments that we didn’t expect. My husband’s company closed, so he lost his job and my company was reducing people. We went through tough times, so we decided we cannot have all our eggs in one basket. We decided, “What can we do to fix this? What can we do so we don’t go through this again?”

Being in architecture, we were both affected by the recession badly because architecture went down and there was no work. People stopped building when the big recession happened in 2008. We bounce a bunch of ideas and businesses. The conversation always ended in real estate. My stepdad, grandma, and my husband’s parents own real estate. Even though we never thought of it, it was already in our blood to own real estate.

We started investigating and I shared the idea with a coworker that I wanted to buy some real estate and he owns some property. I wanted to pick his brain because I was planning to have a baby and I didn’t want to come back to work six weeks after giving birth. He said, “My cousin is going to be buying a property. Would you like to manage it for him?” I was like, “Sure. Why not? I’m seven months pregnant and starting a new job. I’m all for it.” I started managing that property and that’s when I started learning about property management and that’s what got me into buying my first property a year later.

Where is this located?

I’m in Boca Raton, South Florida. I invest in Palm Beach County.

You moved to Boca Raton. Is that where your architectural company was? You’ve been stationed there the whole time and you got your first property. You were a property manager for property there for the first time.

Yes. Before the whole investing started, I came across a book that was for women. It was finances for women. It was Suze Orman’s book, Women & Money. I’m not a big reader but I read the entire book. It had worksheets and he had all this mindset stuff that I didn’t know at the time that it was a mindset. I was like, “Look at this. This is interesting.” I read the entire book, and I started doing some calculations of finances. I set all these goals, so I was starting.

Even before the recession, I was starting to investigate all of this financial independence, investing in 401(k), diversifying your portfolio, and not the one thing. It’s one of those things where you read something, and you don’t do anything with it and it comes back to you at some other point and you’re like, “This makes total sense.” That’s what happened. Once I started investing, all the other stuff that I had learned before made more sense. That’s how it started.

It wasn’t Rich Dad Poor Dad. Suze Orman’s book was the book that got you.

Suze Orman was the one that got me thinking about finances and money but when I started wanting to learn about real estate, I read Rich Dad Poor Dad. That definitely changed my whole mindset and that’s a book that you read and you’re like, “Tell me how?” You finish reading and you’re like, “I love it but how do I do it?” It doesn’t tell you how you’re going to do it. It tells you how awesome it is, the advantages, and all this mindset. You finish the book, and you’re like, “How do I do this?”

That started me on the track of reading more, learning, joining a mastermind, and following BiggerPockets. Up to that point, I was following BiggerPockets for the management part. Anytime that I had a property management question or concern, I would go there to look it up but I never went to BiggerPockets to look for how to buy a property.

It was all management when I was looking at that. Funnily enough, one day, for some reason, I went to BiggerPockets, and there was this webinar on how to buy your next property in the next 60 days or something like that. I was like, “I’m going to join that webinar.” After that webinar, I’m like, “I need to buy another property.” That got me going. It was a bunch of little events that got me on track.

That webinar is one of BiggerPockets’ most successful webinars. I used to work at BiggerPockets and I was doing the webinars for a while there too and that one was always a big hit.

There were 600 people on that webinar. It was incredible.

BiggerPockets is such a phenomenal resource. You’ve got to manage this property and you were seven months pregnant, so I suspect you had that baby a couple of months later. What happened there?

I took over the property and it was a total rehab job. The roofs were falling. It was a mess. It was occupied 20% and the rest of the units were empty and falling apart. It was for foreclosure. We started remodeling. Luckily, I had an architectural background, so I was able to help remodel all the units. We went little by little and placed new tenants and raised the rents. It took about four years to complete the whole building renovation because we had people in there that wouldn’t leave.

We started renovating all the ones that we had opened but then we had to wait for people to start leaving to be able to renovate the other ones. It didn’t make sense to lose the rent and renovate. It was a long process but the great part was, I was getting paid and I was learning. I was learning how to do all these things. I am in architecture but I never did the construction management myself, handling the whole thing. In my company where I work, I do that too but at that time, I wasn’t doing it, so it was a great experience and I was getting paid, which was the best.

ITF 7 | Real Estate
Real Estate: Flipping is easier for houses because you have a margin that you can work with when you buy houses. But as a rental, a single-family, the numbers, it never works.


When you can get paid to learn, it’s like a paid internship. That’s the way to go. How long did you do that for? You said that it was a sixteen-unit.

Yes. I learned that it was a good size building. In one year, I started looking for property, right when I started working there. I ended up taking nine months off my regular W-2 job. It was three months and I said, “I can’t go back in three months. I can’t leave my baby.” I extended it to six months and they were like, “Are you coming back?” I’m like, “I can’t do it.” I extended it to nine months. At nine months, they said, “You’ve got to come back or you’ve got to quit.” I was like, “At nine months, I felt more comfortable leaving my baby.” I decided to go back to work, but I went back part-time.

That job allowed me to still spend time with my daughter and take her to the swimming lessons and kids’ classes. It gave me the freedom to do other things that I wanted to do. I didn’t want to miss all those moments with my daughter. That was a great combination of being able to go to the office three times a week and work at home two times a week. I kept doing that. We have been looking for properties since I started working there.

It took us one year to find our first property because we had no experience in buying it on our own, so the owner of the building and my friend were also our mentors. A few times, they came with us to look at the properties and they would point out the problems. They told me the 1% rule. They were an awesome resource to have because they are successful investors. That helped but it took years to learn the market to learn the areas that we liked and didn’t like, to calculate the numbers to make multiple offers until we saw a property when we knew immediately it was a good deal.

We had at least one for sure where we went with the inspections and decided not to proceed because they had termites, aluminum wires, and all kinds of problems. It was a whole process but it was an awesome learning experience. By the time that we found the property that we bought, we saw it on the market on a Friday night. My husband drove by it at 8:00 PM. We called the realtor that night and the next day, at 9:00 AM, we had an offer. The owners had multiple offers so we had to go back and do our best and final but because we already knew the market and we knew how much it was worth after looking for a year. Our offer was strong and we got it.

I want to take that and explain to everybody what you did. You had a year but you didn’t have analysis paralysis, because you knew what you were doing but you did still take a year to educate yourself. For some people, it’s like, “What’s your comfort level?” For some people, that comfort level could be a month. I had a guy, one of my friends and clients, who had learned about house hacking on a Friday. We went and looked at houses the next Friday. He was under contract that Friday, and we were closed in a month.

He went from learning about real estate investing to doing it in five weeks, which is crazy but it’s helpful that we have people around him that are doing it. For other people, sometimes it takes 1, 2, 3 years. As you start approaching that year mark and you keep hearing the same stuff over and over again and you’re not learning, that’s when you know that you’ve gone far beyond the point where you need to take action. It sounds like that’s what you did. You knew it and you took action quickly.

The other thing was when we started looking, we were looking for $40,000 properties. As we kept looking and kept saving money, by the time that we bought, we bought $100,000 property cash because we were saving everything we could to get a better property. It evolved. We were looking for these tiny houses in a bad area. We can hold something a little bit better now. We don’t like that area anymore, so it changed as we went. Once we bought it, we knew exactly what we wanted.

What does that house look like now? What did you buy it for and what did you do with it?

We decided early that we wanted to do at least a duplex. We didn’t want to do single-family. Every time that I analyzed single-families, it never worked for me. Here in Florida, flipping is easier for houses when you buy houses because you have a margin that you can work with but as a rental, a single-family, every time I do the numbers, it never works. We started with a duplex. We also liked the fact that you could have two incomes. If you had one side empty, at least you had 50% of your income coming in. We decided we wanted to go with small multifamily to start, so we bought a duplex for $100,000.

You bought that cash and it was exactly $100,000. You said you had to offer your highest and best, so that was the $100,000.

They listed low. I don’t remember exactly but I remember we put $20,000 more, at least on the best and final. It’s because we knew that we were competing with other investors, and they would put at least $10,000 more. At that time, each side was renting for $550. We knew that it was worth at least $110,000 with the 1% rule. Now, one side is rented for $1,000 and the other side is rented for $800.

You’re getting almost a 2% rule down in Florida and that changes different markets. I know here in Denver, the 1% rule is hard to come by because property prices are so high. Taxes and insurance are relatively low, you still can get 0.5%, 0.6%, and still cash flow quite nicely. Down in Florida, it sounds like the 1% rule is your rule of thumb. That’s awesome, too because you weren’t afraid to spend maybe $10,000 more than the next person to get the house because the most important thing is to get the house. A few years later, you’re now your cash flow and crazy amounts.

That’s something that our mentors told us. We were on the phone like, “What do we do? How much more than we do?” They were like, “You got to think like an investor. Are you going to regret it, if you don’t get it? If you don’t get the property, are you going to think, ‘I should have put $10,000 more?’ If that’s your thinking, you need to spend it, because it’s worth it. If you think that’s your maximum price, then that’s it. If you are going to regret it later that you didn’t do the extra $5,000, you’re going to regret it and you’re going to miss the deal.” That’s what we did.

If $10,000 kills your deal, then it’s not a deal. The buffer is not big enough. Did you end up delayed financing it? Did you keep it as cash? What did you do?

It was a funny process because we were renting at the time, so we decided we were going to buy it in cash. Once we bought it, we’re like, “We bought it. We did it.” We didn’t do anything for a while but I have my daughter, I was busy, and got distracted. We had my second child and I was like, “It’s time to buy a second one.” Our goal was to use these properties as college education for my kids. Once I had my second child, I’m like, “We need to buy another duplex for Elliot.” We had been saving money, in between. We bought the house for us but we still were saving money for a down payment of the second property. For that one, we financed it. We put the 25% down and we finance the rest and we’re like, “We’re good.”

For the first one, you didn’t find it at all?

If you want to grow, you need to partner with others. Share on X

For the first one, we kept it. We didn’t do anything with it. I watched that BiggerPockets webinar and I’m like, “How do I get money?” Up to this point, and it had been at least 3 or 4 years, we were doing everything by ourselves. We were only listening to our mentors. We were not getting a lot of education. We were going with whatever they told us.

Once I started researching a little bit more on BiggerPockets, I learned a lot of things and I was like, “What if I get a HELOC on my house?” I bought my house at the right time when it was low and it started going up, so I had a lot of equity on it. I decided, “I’m going to get a HELOC on my house.” I bought the next property with a HELOC. I put the down payment on my property with a HELOC. Once I had that third one, something changed my mind. I’m like, “I want to do more. Duplexes are too small. Let me look at something a little bit bigger.”

That’s when I joined a mastermind. That propelled all my development because I was going cautious and slow but the mastermind helped bounce ideas, see what other people were doing, and feel more confident. I have the mindset that if somebody else can do it, I can do it too. Watching these people that I knew doing these things helped me feel more confident and try to pursue other things. I set a goal as soon as I joined the mastermind to buy eight units that year.

Quickly, I was under contract for six units. I decided, “I don’t have any more money.” I had a little bit of money left on the HELOC but that’s not enough to buy something bigger. I realized that I have a property that is paid off. I need to leverage that. I went ahead and refinanced that property and took money out of it. With that money, I bought my next property. I paid $100,000 for that property and I ended up taking out more than $100,000.

Was that between the HELOC and cash-out refinancing?

Yeah. The HELOC was on my house but the refi cash out on that property was more than $100,000, so it was $130,000 to $150,000. All the money, I put as a down payment for my six units.

That’s how real estate works. It builds on each other. Do you care about that $10,000 that you lost, coming in $20,000 over asking? That doesn’t matter because over time that property is going to appreciate and you’re going to use the equity that you build in that property to buy the next one and the next one. That’s how the snowball starts. You’re not going to get rich off your first deal but your first deal can lead you to your 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th. Those will all make you rich together.

That’s how it goes. You start learning different techniques as you go. The first one I bought in cash and for the next one I saved for the down payment. I realized that I needed to learn some other techniques because this is going to take too long for me to save the money for another down payment. That’s what sparked my research on what else I can do. What do I have? How can I use it?

How much did you buy that six-unit for? How did that cashflow?

I’m not good with numbers.

A rough ballpark.

It was about $565,000. Right now, I estimate that it is valued at $810,000 since I bought it.

Where did you get that estimate from?

The market. The other properties are listed for similar prices. I’m looking at a property that was listed for $850,000. I’m also trying to acquire that six-unit.

Where do you stand as of right now? Has anything happened since you bought that six-unit? I know you’re about to purchase another one but is there anything in between?

Once I got that six-unit, it got me thinking how it was a lot of work and it was a lot of small pieces that I had to move to do it, so I decided I wanted to do bigger units and I wanted to start partnering with people because if I want to grow, I need to partner with other. I started focusing on learning, educating myself, going to conferences, and networking with people. I had not gone to any networking events up to that point. I already owned twelve units and anything that I paid was joining a mastermind. Everything else was all free information that I got.

If you are starting, don’t be too quick to spend a lot of money because you can get so much information for free, unless you want to do it super fast. If you want to do something quickly, maybe that’s a good way to do it but if you’re going to take your time, there are so much free resources outside like BiggerPockets, websites, Facebook, LinkedIn, everywhere.

ITF 7 | Real Estate
Rich Dad Poor Dad: What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money That the Poor and Middle Class Do Not!

At that point, I already owned twelve units, and I had not gone to any meetup. The mastermind encouraged me to join a meetup, so that’s when I went to my first meetup and I started meeting local investors. I never knew what networking meant. At this point, a lot of these investors that I met are now my friends. Every time I have a deal, I call them, “I have this. What do you think? Do you want to partner on this? I’m looking for a refinance. Do you have somebody? Has anybody given you a good rate lately?” We share resources.

It’s such an awesome community once you find your group of people that you can bounce ideas. I’m trying to acquire a house that is going to become our primary home. It’s going to be a seller financing deal. I’m going around my friends like, “Who is doing seller financing? What can I do? What options can I present?” It’s all this information that if I was doing it all by myself, I wouldn’t know what to do or it would take me twice as much time to find out. Networking changed everything.

What year was this?

2019. I decided that up to that point, it was a side gig. It wasn’t serious. I was doing it on the side but I decided I wanted to make it more formal and more professional, so I created my brand, Talie Investments. I started networking. I launched my podcast, Real Estate Deal Closers. My show is about educating other people on all the techniques that I wish I knew when I started because I would have bought so many more properties if I knew all this information before.

We focus on the deal, how people acquire it, where they found it, how they fund it, and all these unique ways of acquiring property. That’s my contribution to people so they can learn from people that are crushing it. For me, I learned from all these people that interviewed, and it helps me see things from a different perspective.

The whole point of all these was to get into larger properties because it takes a lot of effort. Once you get to five units, you become a commercial loan, and you have to go jump through all these hoops. I want to get into larger units. Also, one of the goals that I have is to partner with somebody else so we can grow together.

On that note, I ended up partnering with somebody in Ohio, and we own four units in Ohio and we are under contract for 24 units. That’s exciting. I would never have invested with somebody in a different state if it wasn’t for all the conferences, networking, and the mastermind. That has helped me get out of my comfort zone and be more comfortable with risk as long as you are always checking and being careful.

Quick question, how was that relationship made with the investor in Ohio? Is that through your network or BiggerPockets? How was that made?

We met at a conference in Orlando. She was wholesaling a deal and I was interested in the deal. I followed up with her. We had some conversations about the deal. We ended up underwriting and we couldn’t get to the price that the owner wanted, so we didn’t go for it. We kept in contact because it went under contract and it fell through. She contacted me again. Through all of that, I started following her on Facebook and she started following me. I also had a seller financing deal. I was trying to get another six units through seller financing, so I asked my group, South Florida Multifamily and More if anybody knew about seller financing to help me. She posted, “Let me call you.”

We were on the phone for an hour and she walked me through how to present it to an owner. I got to know her better and that she was super knowledgeable. Through Facebook, I was seeing her posts and the content that she was putting out. I liked what I was seeing. One day she posted, “I’m looking for a capital partner.”

I reached out to her, so I said, “I like what I’m hearing, but I need to go see it.” I booked my flight to hire and two weeks later, I was there looking at all the properties, what she does, the market, and the locations. That’s how it started. We ended up buying a single-family first and we were the three-unit. Now, we talk almost every day and we are looking for bigger stuff.

Through conference, that $300 to $500 costs or whatever that conference cost, if it was $2,000, it’s probably worth its weight in gold at this point.

The important thing is you have to have the same goals. If you partner with somebody, you want to be somebody that wants the same thing, if you’re going to buy and hold on, somebody wants to buy and hold. If you’re going to flip then, somebody’s going to flip because you don’t want, “Let’s flip.” “No, I want to keep it.” It’s not going to work. You’re going to have the same values and goals, so that has worked well. It’s exciting. I can’t wait to be able to travel again and go see the final product because we started right before COVID. On one of the properties, we’re painting and it’s going to be completely done. I want to go see the final result.

What’s your passive income goal? What are you trying to get to?

My near-future goal is to replace my architectural income because I still work part-time. I do love my job and that’s one of the reasons that I’m still working in architecture. I work in five-star hotel projects, so it’s fun but I want to be able to have that freedom if I don’t want to work anymore that I don’t need. My short-term goal is to replace our income and I set that goal for my next birthday.

I want to be able to replace my income and it’s only a part-time income because I have my management income too. I feel that I will be able to get it. After that, it’s going to be total financial freedom for my husband and me. My long-term goal is 500 units in five years or long term, which is going to allow us to have financial freedom and live good and not worry about working if we can have passive income in that amount. That’s the goal.

Your goal is to have a nice, good life and enjoy it with your kids. Five hundred units are quite the portfolio but you’re not looking to be a multi-billionaire or anything. There’s a time where enough is enough kind of thing.

You need to make sure that something works when you are buying it, not when you're selling it.  Share on X

My goal is to be able to travel a lot. My husband and I love traveling. We did a six months backpack trip around Asia and Australia. It was such an amazing experience. Every once in a while, we’re talking about something like, “Remember when we were in China and we did that.” We want to be able to travel more. If I want to visit my family for a month in Peru, and the kids are out of school, “Let’s go to Peru for a month.” It’s those kinds of things that you can do when you don’t have something that ties you down as a job. I don’t want to homeschool but if my husband decides he wants to homeschool, I will be all for it because then we could travel anywhere.

There’s a thing called Worldschooling. Have you heard of that?


You should look it up. It’s like a group. I’ve got some friends who are world travelers and they’re thinking about having kids. Worldschool is a group of people who travel around the world. It’s a semi homeschool but there’s also a curriculum that you follow and there might even be online teachers and stuff. It’s for people that travel to have some assistance in teaching their kids. It’s a cool program, from what I remember. I haven’t looked too much into it because I don’t have kids but you definitely look into it if that’s your plan.

I want to recap your story. You bought your first property, it was that duplex down in Boca Raton, Florida for $100,000 cash. You paid more than you wanted to get the deal but the deal is still working and you’re okay with it. You leverage that property to buy your 2nd and 3rd. You jumped up ahead, you started a partner, you started to get some multifamily deals, and all that stuff. Your goal is to get that 500 units over the next five years, which is 2025. We’ll have to check back in on you. You have to take us on a ride on your yacht.

Every once in a while, I find small multifamily and I am still looking at that because I was talking to somebody that owns a lot of real estate. I was, “Should I be distracted with small six units?” He told me, “If it’s a good deal, get it because you don’t know when you’re going to find the next large build. It may take you a year and, in the meantime, you can buy the six units that you’re looking at.” I like that. At the same time, this one that I’m looking at right now is local to me. It’s near my other properties, so it’s an easy property for me to acquire because I already have the team and I can manage it myself. It’s a win for me.

I’m still pursuing small stuff, but the main goal is to keep doing joint ventures with others and keep growing together because you learn so much from other people. I was talking to a friend of the mastermind and she was giving me all this advice on how to have your business all virtually. You don’t even use your computer. Everything is on the cloud, and you can access it from everywhere, so it gives you the mobility to be anywhere you want and still have a business. It was cool.

I suspect in 2025, you may take a month or two off but it doesn’t sound like you have the ability to totally stop working. I’m sure you’ll have some passion that drives you.

That’s what my husband says. I don’t know why.

Anyone who has the ability to retire early can’t just retire.

As long as we can travel a lot and still have some deals, that’s the thing. I was getting bored. I’m in Ohio. I’m like, “I need something down here to be entertained with.” That’s why I’m looking at these six units now.

Do you want to talk a little bit about the six-unit you’re looking at? Do you want to keep it under the radar until maybe it closes?

I went to see it, so I have some numbers to crunch. I’m talking to some possible partners to do this deal, so I don’t want to spill the beans yet on that one.

No worries. We’ll keep them quiet. We’ll have to check back in on you. We can know that you’re busy and you’re continuing to grow despite all the uncertainty around COVID and everything. A deal’s a deal. If the numbers work, the numbers work regardless of COVID or not. If it works during COVID, it sure will work outside of COVID. Always make sure the numbers work and make sure there’s tons of buffer.

The main thing, you need to make sure that the numbers work and to stick to your numbers. Sometimes we are tempted to put in a little bit more to make the deal work but especially now, we cannot count on too much rent increases like we were thinking before. We have to be a little bit more conservative on the underwriting.

Do you want to get into the final four?


ITF 7 | Real Estate
Real Estate: If you were starting, don’t be too quick to spend a lot of money because you can get so much information for free, unless you want to do it super-fast.


Let’s do a smooth transition there.

Is there a book that you’re reading right now?

I am reading The 12 Week Year.

I haven’t read it yet. How was it?

It’s good. It talks about how sometimes when you set these goals for next year, it feels too long, and you end up getting lost in the mix. It divides your year into four quarters and it’s twelve weeks each, so it makes you focus on three goals that contribute to your big vision. Let’s say my big mission is to acquire 500 units, then you start with three goals to get to those 500 units. It breaks it down in a way that you can make it happen.

I’m definitely going to have to check it out.

It’s a great book.

Anette, what is the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?

To make sure the numbers work. When you buy the property, you make money when you buy it, not when you sell it. You have to make sure the numbers work when you buy them, not in the future because you don’t know what’s going to happen in the future. Things could change. It’s like right before COVID and COVID happened. You lost your rents, and you never realized that increase in rents that you were planning to have. Your deal is not going to work. You need to make sure that it works when you are buying it, not when you’re selling it.

Question number three, what is your why?

My kids. They are my world, so I want to make sure that I spend as much time with them as possible and I can provide them with amazing experiences, and we can enjoy it together. They are my motor in all my investing.

Last question, when you were a kid, what was the name of your stuffed animal?

To be honest, I didn’t have stuffed animals. I never liked stuffed animals.

What about a toy or an imaginary friend?

I don’t know.

What a lame childhood you had.

My daughter didn’t like stuffed animals for the longest, but then all of a sudden has one that she sleeps with and everything. I was surprised because it happened when she was six. She’s never stuffed animals and she was six years old. I don’t remember. Monopoly was a game that I loved and related to.

ITF 7 | Real Estate
Real Estate: You have to make sure the numbers work when you buy a property, not in the future because you don’t know what’s going to happen in the future.


“My friend, Monopoly.”

What was the name of your daughter’s stuffed animal?

Eevee is a Pokémon. She’s obsessed with that toy.

Our kids may be best friends. My son loves Pokémon.

She has a friend that is obsessed with Pokémon. She has a book full of Pokémon and she knows all the names, so she got it from her but that’s fine.

I can’t believe Pokémon is still in style. It was definitely big when I was a kid but I thought I went away.

It went away and it came back once my kids started getting into it.

It’s the game that they did that you had to catch the Pokémon.

The Game Boy game?

ITF 7 | Real Estate
The 12 Week Year: Get More Done in 12 Weeks than Others Do in 12 Months

You were walking around and catching Pokémon. They brought it back.

Pokémon Go. You were actually walking around. I never played it but I saw lots of people playing it. Where can people find out more about you?

The main place is my website. It’s Over there, you can find my free Deal Calculator. It’s a spreadsheet that you can analyze your deals and it’s free. Go there and take advantage of that. You can also find me on Facebook as Anette Talie. For LinkedIn and Instagram, it’s @Talie_Investments but if you go to my website, you can find all the links there.

Check out Talie Investment. Listen to her podcast. She’s got some great content out there. Anette, thank you so much for coming to the show. We appreciate you taking your time here. I’m excited to hear what happens with this six-unit and to go on a ride in your yacht in a few years after you hit your 500th.

We’re going to have to do a follow-up. Thanks for having me.

Thank you.

That was Anette Talie, everybody. That was a good episode. She had some good stuff there.

It’s awesome stuff. I love her, her goal of 500 units, and her why. She’s an awesome person and I can’t wait to ride her yacht.

She’s going to give us a ride in her yacht when she’s got her 500 units someday and she’s retired. It’s cool because she has this goal of 500 units. When she hits that, hopefully, at least take some time off to relax, enjoy the fruits of her labor and maybe she goes back to work. Maybe she does a passion project. Maybe she does something where she makes $5,000 or $10,000 grand a year. Who cares? It doesn’t matter. Money doesn’t matter anymore and she could truly do the things that fulfill her. That’s what I love most about this.

It was great talking with you and Anette. I’ll catch you next time.

We’ll see you.

Talk to you soon.


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About Anette Talie

ITF 7 | Real EstateBorn and raised in Lima Perú, Anette Talie moved to Florida to fulfill her life dream of studying abroad. She transferred and received her Bachelor of Architecture from Florida Atlantic University. In her 18 years in architecture, Anette has acquired a broad range of experience in architectural design, construction and effective project management on a wide variety of project types.


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