Start your real estate journey intensely with our guest today, Kelly Clark, co-owner of Rockstar Real Estate LLC and passionate house hacker and investor. After deciding to do a 180-degree career shift into real estate, Kelly shares with us today the steps she took to fast-track her journey learning about strategic investing and property management. By hosting local meetups, building a solid network, and learning from experienced mentors, our guest today proves the tried-and-tested advice that it’s very much possible to succeed in real estate even when starting from zero knowledge and no connections!

Join us as Kelly discusses tapping into the wholesale market through MLS and partnering with more experienced investors to capitalize on these leads. We also talk about unique ways to solidify your financial strategy and why claiming your identity as an investor can be a game-changer.

In just a few short years, Kelly has amassed diverse experiences, delving into property management, flipping, and wholesaling different types of homes. Her journey shows there is always time to pivot careers and gain financial freedom later in life. Learn exactly how you can do it in today’s jam-packed episode!

Watch the episode here

Listen to the podcast here


Podcast Highlights:

[5:30] Starting With Zero Real Estate Knowledge

[8:00] The Secret to Building a Real Estate Network

[14:10] Kelly’s First Deal

[16:36] Diving Into Realistic Real Estate Costs

[27:35] A Glimpse Into Kelly’s Successful Portfolio

[28:55] On House Hacking a Fourplex

[32:20] Must-Know Investing Hack: Opening a Trust

[39:00] Why You Should Be Represented

[41:10] Unpacking Essentials of Kelly’s Rehab

[46:53] Tapping into the Advantages of a HELOC

[51:10] Nuggets of Wisdom for Serious Investors

Important Links

Craig Curelop   
📸 Instagram:   
📘 Book:   
🏘️ Buy Real Estate:   

Ali Garced
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Kelly Clark from Rockstar Real Estate LLC
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📸 Instagram:


Check out their recommendations here:

🔗 Affiliate Links

  1. Don’t miss out on resources of great value for real estate starters. Visit FITeam’s website! —
  2. Check out Kelly’s book recommendation here:
    1. Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones by James Clear –