Episode 54 – Leverage Your Business To Level Up Your Real Estate Game With Mike Brockway
Mike Brockway found himself on the path to FI after buying and house hacking his first property. Because he wanted to stop working for big corporations, he quit his W-2 the same day he closed his second property. Now, he is a full-time real estate investor and business owner. In this episode, Mike breaks […]
Episode 35 – A Lender’s Wisdom And The Journey To FI With Nicole Rueth
It’s never too late to start getting into real estate! Nicole Rueth first learned how to capitalize on real estate as a means to achieve FI when she was 41. Now, she has 24 investment properties under her belt, and she and her team are operating in 22 states—with plans to reach even more […]
Episode 30 – FI Before FI Was A Thing! Buy & Hold Pays Off For Legendary Luc Nadeau
Some people are well on their way to FI before even realizing what it is, and Luc Nadeau was one of them! Through rentals and buy-and-hold, this jack-of-all-trades investor generated enough equity and passive income to retire at the age of 42! This week, Craig Curelop and Zeona McIntyre sit down with Luc to […]