Episode 169 – Tapping Into Your Inner Creativity for House Hacking and Real Estate Property Hunting With Tori Borges
In this episode, Tori Borges shares how joining the world of real estate has never been this enticing. Since Tori’s venture into real estate in 2017, she has amassed an impressive portfolio through self-teaching and learning from mentors in the field. Join us for an engaging episode with Tori as she gives listeners a glimpse […]
Episode 84 – How Investing In Airbnb Can Increase Your Cashflow With Zeona McIntyre And Craig Curelop
Do you need to pump up your cashflow? Investing in Airbnb is a great idea. Hosts Zeona McIntyre and Craig Curelop talk about investment strategies, FAQ questions, and market changes. Zeona shares how Airbnb was supposed to be at an all-time high last year. But great rates are coming through this year. House hacking by […]